Jumat, 22 Mei 2009

Xback golden vs RTG

General discussion about Arwanafantasy_aquatic write "Xback vs RTG; spotted red pearl vs jardini

As we know, there are only arowana in some countries only, and most are in our country indonesia. Indonesia has a super red from kalimantan; RTG (red tail golden) that we know more as the island's golden red sumatera. Fish is a lot of peminatnya, other than our own country, but also from other countries such as malaysia, Australia, india, china, Japan and even the United States.

But we will not be high because the heart negara2 neighbors arowana, we also found a similar but clearly different when observed further. Found in malaysia xback golden (read cross back golden) fish in general this is a glance similar to the golden red arowana fish that came from our country. The difference is that light can be seen if the size of fish is quite large with ukuran20cm more. Xback on the golden color of gold to cover the entire body of the fish back into the ring enclosed by a golden color. While in the golden red (RTG) back to its golden color, but does not remain a black (gray)

If small size is still difficult to be distinguished between the red and golden golden xback therefore that most buyers want to buy fish that kecil2 (size 10-12cm) is expected to be careful in buying fish xback golden. wrong one can be deceived with golden red.

Difference in price is also very light and golden xback between, the price xback believed 10juta more than 12cm in even sizes 20-25cm the size of the price ranges between 15-25juta. while the golden red 12cm in size and price 2juta only on the size 20-25cm price could reach 2.5-3.5juta.

One again we are also abundant with arowana jardini or more commonly know as we arowana Irian. watched the arowana Irian have 2 types. general we find that is the primary color green and red bermutiara. Actually there is one more type of jardini namely the basic color of black and gold bermutiara.
to two types of this more difficult than that found red pearl.

Jardini whether there is only just in indonesia? The answer is no because in australia arowana also found a similar jardini with type 1 (basic colors green, red pearl). They call spotted red pearl (Scleropages leichardty)
The difference is that light is spotted on the red pearl, red pearls scattered on a light body. While in the pearl arowana jardini in the body does not semencolok spotted arowana red pearl from australia.
From the price is also very different; in the market jardini (pearl red, basic green color) 12-15cm with a sale price range 60-80rb, while arowana red spotted as a rare pearl in the market price indonesia dibandrol with 1.3-1.5juta.

According to some experts, the xback golden and red; spotted red pearl and jardini berkerabat, only because of differences in the environment then there is enough difference in performance signifkan fish that have

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